Thursday, November 17, 2011


Whenever there is something very important to be done, how is it that Youtube's most pathetic videos become cinematic glory and the molded piece of cheddar in your fridge looks like artisan cheese that you must melt over an omelette right this very minute? So was the succession of events this morning as I dawdled for an hour and a half fussing over my hair, tidying up around the house all in an attempt to avoid the one thing I hate more than anything else: going to the car dealership.

Swearing myself off, I threw on a pair of heinous jeans, swiped on some mascara (read: more time wasted), and trudged over. I can't decide whether it is the pot bellied salesman with oily hair trying to swindle me out of $200 (what the HECK is a "chassis" and "ball joint") or the lobby's combination of grade D 90's music, cheap leather chairs that smell like cigarettes, and the fake blonde screaming into her phone about her "super important job". Add on top of that a crackly speaker mic you can't hear your name being called from and overpriced vending machines that sell pinapple/hot sauce chips. So here I am. Hurrah.

On a more cheerful note, in lieu of Thanksgiving being next week, there are a few tidbits I’d like to share with you to get in the spirit of things. Stay tuned!

Friday, November 4, 2011


Since graduating from university, Friday Fun Day has since turned into Friday Frump Day meaning unless I'm working, you can find me in my cat patterned jim jams eating a Ramen noodle cup whilst watching QVC or reading the latest edition of Martha Stewart's Living magazine. Tonight I was feeling particularly ambitious and after hunkering down with a heaping bowl of picadio, my craft box, and the Spanish channel, managed to whip up these little guys. They are the envelopes as I'm still working on snipping something clever for the actual letters themselves. Nothing too fancy shmancy but it is always lovely to receive something in the post come Thanksgiving and the holidays.

Don't ask me what happened between last May (read: reckless bar crawls) and now, but I absolutely adore being a layabout and no amount of glitter eyeshadow or vodka could rouse me from my grandmother-esque ways...Okay so now I'm lying. I've never been one to turn down a martini or a good round of fist pumping to Pitbull. But as of late, and especially after last weekend's Halloween escapades, I'm perfectly content waiting out this impromptu rain storm with a few of my favorite people: Jane Austen, Benny Goodman, and Kendall Jackson.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Today, Mum and I ventured into the great big world to celebrate el Dia de los Muertos. In short, it's a Mexican holiday that celebrates life and those that have passed on before us. In primary school, we used to decorate sugar skulls and have our faces painted and although tempted to join the queue of five year olds waiting to be turned into mini Catrina's, I stayed behind my camera today and nibbled on some churros instead. The bright colors always make me feel cheery and we couldn't have asked for more perfect weather. I tend to think of death as being grim, but this holiday always gives me a fresh perspective on things, ya know? Here are a few shots of my most favorite alters and the decorations and gifts people have left. Espero que disfruten!